Friday, September 25, 2015

Los Animales

Hello! My name is Elizabeth and I am in Spanish class. This week we learned a lot about animals and how to say things about animals and about other people as well. Also,me played heads up seven up with animal cards and today we had our comprehension task. That's what we did this week and goodbye.

This week weaved continued learning about how to talk about and describe animals in Spanish. We played played heads up seven up and described an animal with a partner in front of the class.


Friday, September 18, 2015


This week we started the zoo unit and we learned lots of the names of animals. Then next week we are starting a comprehension task.  We played interesting games such as, hall way memory and much more.

By: Sydney and Johnny

Friday, September 11, 2015

Spanish 9/8-9/11

This week we started to learn about animals. One active we did on our iPads were a Webquest (scavenger hunt online) of the Madrid Zoo website. We also learned some vocabulary of animals. Here are some you migh like to know
Cocodrilo- Crocodile
Thanks! Josh

This week in Spanish we started to learn about the Madrid Zoo and animals. We did a scavenger hunt on the Madrid Zoo website. With starting to learn about the zoo, we are also reviewing about we learned last year. It looks like it's going to be a fun year

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


¡Bienvenidos!  Welcome to Kross Period 5 Blog!!  

On our class blog, students will be posting weekly updates about learning and activities occurring in our classroom.  I will also periodically post upcoming class events and information.

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I look forward to working with your kids this year and creating a home-school connection!