Friday, May 27, 2016

Buen Provecho unit blog

We have recently been working in our Buen Provecho unit in Spanish, we are currently learning a bout traditional Spanish dishes and ingredients.

We have been working on a game to expand our Spanish foods. It is called busqueda de comida. On Friday we spent about the whole class working on authentic Spanish foods!

                ~Danny and Sam

Friday, May 20, 2016

Week of 5/16/16

Hello everyone
This is Elizabeth, a student in period 5 Spanish. This week, we learned how to conjugate ER and IR verbs. Also, we are starting to learn about food, a great topic I would say. There are many different kinds of food that we are learning like el sandwich. I don't think you'll be able to guess what that is.
It's a sandwich. But anyway, there are many other foods that we learnt this week and drinks, and we are learning how to say others drink and eat and I drink or eat. There you go folks. That's this week of Spanish.

Hi Everyone,
This week we learned how to conjugate infinitive verbs ending in IR and ER. We learned ER first because IR is basically ER but is a little different. Conjugation is important because then you can say what a specific person does, not just to do something.

Monday, May 16, 2016

5/9 to 5/13

This week we started our Buen Provecho unit! This unit is all about different foods. We also just finished our Mi Día presentation and conversation tasks. We recently just finished our THREE PAGES OF NOTES (that's a lot of notes!) for the Buen Provecho unit. For example we have learned what fruits are called like strawberries is la fresa and veggies such as carrots which is zanahoria. We have also been doing warmups that have to do with combining foods such as buttered popcorn, or popcorn without butter, or any combination! We also did a project where we mad new foods, such as carrots + spinach + pasta, or watermelon + peas + strawberries (except all in Spanish😄) This new unit is so much fun to learn!

See you all next week!
-Diana y Claire

Friday, May 6, 2016

Spanish update

Dear Readers,
This week was a great week for Spanish class. We started of the first 2 days with the presentation task. Then on Wednesday we started with making the blogs and letting people tell and share about there activities and stuff like that. But, on Thursday we put a pause on that because it was the celebration of  cinco de mayo. There we had a great celebration where everyone contributed to breaking the piñata open. Then everybody got pockets and pockets of candy in celebration. We then finished off the week with finishing and commenting on everyone's presentation task blogs. Overall a very fun wee in the Spanish room (and Gym C where we broke the piñata).
Sra. Kross' Spanish Class
Kevin Hart and Johnny Fogel