Monday, May 16, 2016

5/9 to 5/13

This week we started our Buen Provecho unit! This unit is all about different foods. We also just finished our Mi Día presentation and conversation tasks. We recently just finished our THREE PAGES OF NOTES (that's a lot of notes!) for the Buen Provecho unit. For example we have learned what fruits are called like strawberries is la fresa and veggies such as carrots which is zanahoria. We have also been doing warmups that have to do with combining foods such as buttered popcorn, or popcorn without butter, or any combination! We also did a project where we mad new foods, such as carrots + spinach + pasta, or watermelon + peas + strawberries (except all in Spanish😄) This new unit is so much fun to learn!

See you all next week!
-Diana y Claire

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